The best quality rice will be attained if
(1) the quality of paddy is good and
(2) the rice is milled properly.
To improve the quality of paddy, the following factors should be considered:
1.Mill at the right moisture content (MC)
A moisture content of 14% MC is ideal for milling.
If the MC is too low, high grain breakage will occur resulting in low head rice recovery. Broken grain has only half the market value of head rice. Use a moisture meter to determine the moisture content. Visual methods are not accurate enough.
2.Pre-clean paddy before husking
In commercial rice milling process, we always use paddy cleaner to clean the grain. Use of paddy without impurities will ensure a cleaner and higher quality end product.

3. Do not mix varieties prior to milling
Different varieties of paddy have different milling characteristics that require individual mill settings. Mixing varieties will generally lead to lower quality of milled rice.
Paddy cleaner is designed to separate impurities like straw, dust, lighter particles, stones from paddy, so the next machines will work more efficiently when paddy is cleaned in paddy cleaners.
Operator's Skill is Important for Rice Milling
The rice milling machinery should be operated by a skilled operator. However, usually the mill operator is an untrained apprentice who has picked up skills on the job currently.
An operator who is continually adjusting valves, hammering ducts, and screens does not have the required skills. In properly designed mills there should be very little adjusting required with the machines, once a steady state in the grain flow is attained. His mill however is often dusty, dirty, with ducts and bearings worn-out. Tell tales of improper mill operation are paddy in the rice husk exhaust, rice husk in the separator, brokens in the bran, excessive bran recovery, and under-milled rice. Training of operators in operation and maintenance of rice mills are crucial in improving rice quality.
In modern rice mills, many adjustments (e.g. rubber roll clearance, separator bed inclination, feed rates) are automated for maximum efficiency and ease of operation. But it is better to find a skilled operator to operate the rice milling machines.
Post time: May-16-2024