Yonhap News Agency reported on September 11th, Korea Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Food quoted the World Food Organization (FAO) data, in August, the world food price index was 176.6, an increase of 6%, the chain down 1.3%, this is for the first time in four months chain down since May. The price index of cereals and sugar fell 5.4% and 1.7% respectively on a month-on-month basis, leading to a drop in the overall index, benefiting from adequate cereal supply and good expectations of sugarcane production in major sugar producing countries such as Brazil, Thailand and India. In addition, the meat price index decreased by 1.2%, due to the increase in the volume of beef exports to Australia. On the contrary, the price indices of oils and dairy products continued to rise, up 2.5% and 1.4% respectively.

Post time: Sep-13-2017